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Please Pray for Our Kidnapped Children June 15, 2014 |
Dear, On Thursday night, June 12, 2014, terrorists kidnapped three innocent Israeli teenagers.
Naftali Frankel (Yakov Naftali ben Rachel), age 16 Eyal Yifrach (Eyal ben Iris T'shura), age 19 May they be returned safely home soon. Please spare a thought for them and their families. Rabbis in Israel have suggested that the following Psalms be recited for the boy's safe return: 20, 124, 143 For the conductor, a song of David May the Lord answer you on a day of distress; may the name of the God of Jacob fortify you. May He send your aid from His sanctuary, and may He support you from Zion. May He remember all your meal offerings and may He accept your fat burnt offerings forever. May He give you as your heart [desires], and may He fulfill all your counsel. Let us sing praises for your salvation, and let us assemble in the name of our God; may the Lord fulfill all your requests. Now I know that the Lord saved His anointed; He answered him from His holy heavens; with the mighty acts of salvation from His right hand. These trust in chariots and these in horses, but we-we mention the name of the Lord our God. They kneel and fall, but we rise and gain strength. O Lord, save us; may the King answer us on the day we call. Psalm 124: A song of ascents. Of David. Had it not been for the Lord Who was with us, let Israel declare now. Had it not been for the Lord Who was with us when men rose up against us, Then they would have swallowed us raw when their anger was kindled against us. Then the waters would have washed us away; illness would have passed over our soul. Then the wicked waters would have passed over our soul. Blessed is the Lord, Who did not give us as prey for their teeth. Our soul escaped like a bird from the hunters' snare; the snare broke, and we escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalm 143: A song of David. O Lord, hearken to my prayer, lend ear to my supplications; with Your faith, answer me with Your righteousness. And do not come to judgment with Your servant, for no living being will be innocent before You. For an enemy pursued my soul; he crushed my soul to the earth; he has made me dwell in dark places like those who are long dead. And my spirit enwrapped itself upon me; within me my heart is appalled. I remember the days of yore; I meditate over all Your works; I speak of the work of Your hands. I spread out my hands to You; my heart is like a weary land to You forever. Answer me quickly, O Lord, my spirit pines. Do not hide Your countenance from me, lest I be likened to those who descend into the pit. Let me hear Your kindness in the morning, for I hope in You; let me know the way in which I am to go, for to You I have lifted up my soul. Save me from my enemies, O Lord; to You I have hidden. Teach me to do Your will for You are my God; may Your good spirit lead me in an even land. For the sake of Your name, O Lord, revive me; with Your righteousness, deliver my soul from distress. And with Your kindness, You shall cut off my enemies, and You shall destroy all the oppressors of my soul, for I am Your servant.
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